Accelerating Applications with the VITIS Unified Software Environment | Online & San Diego, CA
Technically Speaking International, INC
Accelerating Applications with the VITIS Unified Software Environment | Online & San Diego, CA
Course Description
After completing this comprehensive training, you will have the necessary skills to:
- Describe how Vitis can be used to implement HLS modules
- Describe Vitis support for OpenCL design flow
- Use Vitis to migrate existing SDSoC applications
- Describe how the FPGA architecture lends itself to parallel computing
- Identity candidate functions for hardware acceleration
- Explain how the Vitis development environment helps software developers to focus on applications
- Examine the OpenCL API execution model
- Analyze the OpenCL API memory model
- Create kernels from C, C++, OpenCL, or RTL IP
- Apply host code optimization and kernel optimization techniques
- Move data efficiently between kernel and global memory
- Profile and debug OpenCL API code
Course Outline
- Introduction to the Vitis Environment and OpenCL Framework {Lecture}
- Vitis Tools Overview {Lecture, Lab}
- Makefile Flow {Lecture, Lab}
- Introduction to FPGAs {Lecture}
- Alveo Product Overview {Lecture}
- Alveo Partner Ecosystem Solutions Overview {Lecture}
- Introduction to Nimbix Cloud {Lecture}
- Vitis Execution Model & XRT {Lecture}
- Vitis Execution Model & XRT (2) {Lecture, Lab}
- Synchronization {Lecture, Lab}
Day 2
- Introduction to NDRanges {Lecture}
- Working with NDRanges {Lecture, Lab}
- Profiling {Lecture}
- Debugging {Lecture}
- C-Based Kernels {Lecture}
- C-Based Kernel Optimization {Lecture}
- Optimization Methodologies {Lecture}
- Memory Transfer Optimization Techniques {Lecture}
- Kernel Optimization Techniques {Lecture, Lab}
- xfOpenCV Libraries via Github {Lecture, Lab}
- Custom Platform {Lecture, Lab}